Review Polocy

Review Policy
If you would like me to review your book , I would love to, If i do accept your book that does not nescessarily mean it will be getting a great review. My reviews are my opinions on the book and I promise to evaluate fairly and weigh the positives and negatives of each book. That being said, my opinions are stricly mine and I will express it fairly and openly.
I am curerntly accepting books to review, I will try to finish the book and review it in a timely manner but if there is a certain date you would like your review to be posted simply notify me by e-mail (my email is listed below). I will try to read all of your books but it can become increasingly difficult with the large piles of books I already have so it will be difficult to keep up with their release date but i promise all books will be reviewed.

Contact me at:
Genres I will accept:
YA Paranormal
YA Urban Fantasy
Ya Dystopian/Post-Apocalyptic
YA contemporary
YA Horror
Genres I will Not Accept:
Installments in a series I have prevouisly not read.
Childrens Books (13 &under)
Political (Whether Fiction or Non-Fiction)
If the genre your book is under is not listed here but you think I’ll enjoy it send me an e-mail anyway. Or if there is a certain book you would like me to review that is not yours please leave a comment below or e-mail me as well.
Rating System:
All books reviewed by me will be reviewed with my rating system.
1: Didn’t enjoy it at all and a major disapointment.
2: Book wasn’t too bad.
3:Good read.
4: I liked it a lot.
5: The book was absolutely amazing! It blew me away! Defintely recommending it to everyone i come across!

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